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The Nomination Process

Awards are for projects or initiatives improving health care delivery in BC and for individual health employees who are shining stars and inspire those around them. For a full description of each category, visit the Categories section.

Nominations have closed for 2024.

Download the 2024 Nominations Brochure
Download the 2024 Nominations Poster

Leading Workplace Health and Safety Practices

Practice template

Leading Practices: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Practice template

Leading Human Resource and/or Labour Relations Practices

Practice template

Nomination Criteria
Who is eligible?

Nominees must work for or on behalf of an HEABC member organization either as a permanent or contract employee. This includes physicians and other medical and non-medical staff not directly employed by the HEABC member employer, but working within their facility/facilities and providing care or support to people in the region.

  • Human resources professionals, labour relations consultants, occupational health and safety professionals, HR client partners, HR operations professionals, strategic labour relations professionals, people services and employee relations professionals.

  • Nurses, physicians, health science professionals and other front line providers.

  • Permanent/contract employees not necessarily directly employed by the HEABC member employer but working on behalf of them.

Who isn't eligible?

Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and members of the executive team of HEABC member organizations (i.e., the most senior leader in an organization.)

Nomination rules & regulations
  1. Nominees must work within an HEABC member facility (or facilities) and nominations must be for work done in service to or on behalf of an HEABC member employer either as a permanent or contract employee. This includes physicians and other medical and non-medical staff not directly employed by the HEABC member employer but working within their facility/facilities and providing care or support to people in the region.

  2. Chief Executive Officers, members of the executive team of HEABC member organizations (i.e., the most senior leader in an organization) and HEABC Board Members are not eligible for nomination.

  3. Nominators do not have to be employed by an HEABC member. They can be patients, colleagues or other member of the public.

  4. Employees who have retired or passed away may be nominated, as long as they were employed by an HEABC member within one calendar year of the date of nomination.

  5. Nominations must be submitted using the online nomination forms located in the Nominate section. They may not be faxed, emailed, mailed or otherwise submitted.

  6. Nominations submitted after the official deadline will not be considered. By nominating someone, you confirm and guarantee the accuracy of all information submitted.

  7. HEABC reserves the right to confirm accuracy of the information provided in the nomination package. HEABC reserves the right to place nominations in awards categories other than the category they were submitted, if appropriate.

  8. Nominations must be supported by the HEABC member organization that employs the nominee. Information in the nomination forms (e.g., employment status/place of employment) will be verified by HEABC and the nominee's CEO or Vice-President of Human Resources must sign off on the nomination before it is presented to the judging panel.

  9. Award recipients must consent to the publication of their name(s), photo(s), video footage and information in connection with the HEABC Awards. This may include print, broadcast, websites, social media (Facebook, YouTube, X, LinkedIn), etc.

  10. All entries become the property of HEABC and may be reprinted and made available to interested HEABC members and the public.

How to submit a winning nomination

We've created How to Submit a Winning Nomination Guide to help you with your nomination.

What are the judges looking for?

Projects must demonstrate the following:

  • Excellence & Innovation
    Significant improvement in practice, process or structure of the organization

  • Leadership
    Leadership and vision in championing teamwork and collaboration and inspires others to effect positive change

  • Best Practices
    Contribution and capability, improving health care service delivery, patient care and adding value across the industry

  • Measurable Results
    How the project has successfully achieved its goals by providing significant and measurable results

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