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About Us

The Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) represents a diverse group of over 200 publicly funded health care employers. Our members range in size from smaller affiliate organizations with specialized services to large, comprehensive health authorities with thousands of employees.

HEABC is the accredited bargaining agent for most publicly funded health employers in the province, negotiating six major provincial agreements covering more than 179,000 unionized health care employees. In addition, HEABC’s Physician Services team oversees and coordinates the negotiation of provincial and local physician contracts, including the Physician Master Agreement.

HEABC takes a provincial leadership role in strategic planning related to human resources and labour relations for BC’s publicly funded health employers. Through collective bargaining and other industry initiatives, HEABC builds constructive and collaborative relationships with members, government, employees and unions, while continuing to adapt to the evolving needs of its members.

HEABC is a key provider of support, and in some cases leadership, for elements of the province’s Health Human Resources Strategy, including partnering with the province, health employers and others on marketing and recruitment campaigns for health professionals and expedited pathways to residency for foreign-trained professionals.

How We Work

HEABC is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board includes a cross-section of members, representing the province’s health authorities, non-profit care providers, denominational care providers and propriety care providers, as well as the provincial government. Each year, HEABC’s Board of Directors outlines the organization’s strategic goals.

HEABC is also a member of the Public Sector Employers’ Council (PSEC) Secretariat, which coordinates the management of labour relations policies and practices in the larger public sector. It is comprised of eight Ministers or Deputy Ministers, the Commissioner of Public Service, and a representative from each of the six public sector employers' associations.

Under the Public Sector Employers Act, HEABC coordinates compensation, benefits administration, human resource practices and collective bargaining on behalf of the diverse range of BC’s health care employers.


The 1993 Korbin Commission’s Inquiry into the public sector recommended the creation of single employer bargaining agents in the public sector. As a result of this review, the Health Employers Association of BC was formed on December 1, 1993 under the Society Act to represent employers in the health sector.

Leadership Role

HEABC takes a provincial leadership role in strategic planning related to human resource and labour relations issues management for BC’s publicly funded health employers. Through collective bargaining and other industry initiatives, HEABC builds constructive and collaborative relationships with members, government, employees and unions, while continuing to adapt to the evolving needs of its membership.

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