Facilities Benchmarks
The Facilities Benchmark Class Specifications are the sole criteria for the classification of jobs in the Facilities Subsector. The Benchmarks contain a list of duties by which jobs or positions are distinguished and classified under the Classification System. The duties listed in the benchmark are a representative sampling of the kinds of work which will result in a position being classified at a benchmark level.
Benchmarks also set forth the qualifications appropriate to a position classified to the level of the benchmarks. The individual benchmarks do not describe actual positions. They cover a diversity of positions by identifying work duty criteria and qualifications shared by positions at the same classification and salary level.
The benchmarks are divided into 12 job families, each with a class series. Within the class series are a number of benchmarks. The job families are:
- All Benchmarks (PDF)
Please note:
All benchmarks in the job families above have been updated to reflect all agreed-upon changes and revisions effective first pay period after April 1, 2020.