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HEABC members and Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) ratify three-year agreement

HEABC member employers and Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) nurses have ratified a new, three-year collective agreement for the period April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025. The agreement was reached under the Province’s Shared Recovery Mandate. Negotiations commenced for a new collective agreement on December 8, 2022 and the parties reached a tentative agreement on March 31, 2023. Negotiations under the Shared Recovery Mandate support government’s key priorities to improve public services and the health care system, while supporting the province’s continued economic recovery for all. For more information please see the announcement.

Health employers and Nurses' Bargaining Association reach tentative agreement

HEABC members and the Nurses' Bargaining Association (NBA) have reached a tentative agreement under the province’s Shared Recovery Mandate for public sector bargaining. HEABC and NBA entered into formal negotiations in December 2022 and reached a tentative agreement on March 31, 2023. The tentative agreement supports government’s key priorities to improve public services and the health care system, while supporting the province’s continued economic recovery for all. For more information please see the announcement.

Unionized employees covered by Shared Recovery Mandate to receive 1.25 per cent COLA

Unionized health sector employees who are covered by ratified collective agreements with the Ambulance Paramedics and Ambulance Dispatchers Bargaining Association (APADBA), Community Bargaining Association (CBA), Facilities Bargaining Association (FBA), Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) and Resident Doctors of BC (RDBC) Collective Agreement will receive the maximum cost-of-living adjustment for their Year 2 wage increase. For more information please see the announcement.

HEABC and Community Bargaining Association ratify three-year agreement

HEABC and the members of the Community Bargaining Association (CBA) have ratified a three-year agreement for the period April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2025. HEABC and the CBA reached a tentative agreement on January 16, 2023 under the province’s Shared Recovery Mandate for public sector bargaining. The agreement supports the key priorities of protecting services, improving health care and preparing for future needs and challenges, while supporting the province’s continued economic recovery for all. For more information please see the announcement.

HEABC and Ambulance Paramedics and Dispatchers union ratify three-year agreement

HEABC and the Ambulance Paramedics & Ambulance Dispatchers Bargaining Association (APADBA) have ratified a three-year agreement under the province’s Shared Recovery Mandate for public sector bargaining. HEABC and APABDA reached a tentative agreement on January 6, 2023, which was subject to ratification by both parties. The agreement supports government’s key priorities to improve public services and the health care system, while supporting the province’s continued economic recovery for all. For more information please see the announcement.

Lynn Stevenson appointed Chair of HEABC Board of Directors effective June 26, 2023

HEABC is pleased to announce that Lynn Stevenson has been appointed the new Chair of HEABC’s Board of Directors. The appointment, which is the result of an extensive six-month recruitment process, is effective June 26, 2023 following HEABC’s 30th Annual General Meeting. For more information please see the announcement.

Health employers and Community Bargaining Association reach tentative agreement

HEABC members and the Community Bargaining Association (CBA) have reached a tentative agreement under the province’s Shared Recovery Mandate for public sector bargaining. HEABC and CBA entered into formal negotiations in February 2022 and reached a tentative agreement on January 15, 2023. The tentative agreement supports government’s key priorities to improve public services and the health care system, while supporting the province’s continued economic recovery for all. For more information please see the announcement.

Health employers and Ambulance Paramedics & Ambulance Dispatchers Bargaining Association reach a tentative agreement

HEABC and the Ambulance Paramedics & Ambulance Dispatchers Bargaining Association (APADBA) have reached a tentative agreement on Saturday, January 7, 2022 under the province’s Shared Recovery Mandate for public sector bargaining, after almost thirteen weeks of bargaining. Negotiations under the Shared Recovery Mandate support government’s key priorities to improve public services and the health care system, while supporting the province’s continued economic recovery for all. For more information please see the announcement.